good morning guys today we are running a bunch of errands we have a lot of stuff to get done tomorrow we are planning on shooting a video and then also doing like a shoot for the new arrival for our store so you're currently headed over to
the warehouse we're gonna go and figure out exactly what pieces were shooting and just make sure that everything is ready to go for tomorrow I think we're going to go to target again we also we're going to go into the
mall think to home depot parking lots of my ladder and he's gonna put up our Christmas I'd today I should've put those up before thanksgiving day of thanksgiving i don't understand people who are like so anti-christmas before
thanksgiving the longer you can celebrate and be in the Christmas spirit the better we're joining the slides up all year round should be those people we're rain are we close our home depot Parker's
getting a lot of us we can hang up our christmas wide and for the warehouse because I now when we have is like a really really sketch you on what but thanks we're in the grocery store now we are out of our bottles were out of like
pretty much everything and I are different when it comes to grocery shop because if I like half the time I like to meal prep that's what makes us different w no no Parker doesn't like to like lay
anything out like I don't meal prep but I say like a for a week i have like three different ideas for dinner lunch blox i put together like recipes but I get the stuff that i need for all these recipes today is yesterday Wednesday
today's Wednesday we're leaving friday we're not going to many groceries but we are out of I practically every day oh I dropped it looks no clear did any of you guys see that video i saw on facebook and it was basically tell
you about this about the people that were drinking dog milk yeah there's like some guy like our new york or something something like that he had like samples on a tray he was like oh this is a new milk company and trying out like test
this new brand milk so people were tasting and they're like oh it's pretty good it's like kind of a little bit more sweet like stuff like that everybody was like oh yeah like it's pretty good pretty good then it turned out this dogs
milk and that people like flipped out like that's disgusting you like I can't believe you would do that to me but then the guy was like how is that any different than cow's milk we don't have a lot of logs footage today so we're
gonna do a segment on crackers we're gonna tell you which ones are good which ones are bad good good that that have you ever tasted those now good good bad these crackers are really good those were triscuits I'm scared of
triscuits because one time you know how they're like really like there's like a bunch of little pieces yeah one time I took a bite and then when I like open my mouth to chew I breathe in a little piece got stuck in
my throat and I started joking that's scary it was scary as an ally that was like a long ago the garlic are you going to eat our pepper bad good good bad or in the cereal aisle I'm out of my favorite cereal so I need to
get some more but also I really want to figure out some good and easy vegan lunch option is pretty much every day for breakfast respect these are the best pretty much every day for breakfast i have oatmeal and
something for lunch I don't can't ever remember what i have for lunch but I usually for dinner I have like an awesome table so good but i really want to figure out some good vegan options for lunch
you guys should comment down below if any of you guys have any like good vegan food options I just only like certain things I don't need to use what that pizza maker thing that we got oh yeah my friend got us a pizza maker and we want
to use d actually get stuff to make pizza sure this is my favorite fruit I also evil i think i should myself getting one in like yesterday's blog or the day before and a lot of you guys wanted to know just how i make it so i
might make one for dinner tonight so i'll show you is how i do it so easy and so good i literally have it probably at least five nights a week for dinner or four hey guys i have a dilemma can't figure
out which potatoes I want to get they're all really small I guess we'll just get some of these to get these Oh sort of right here on funny thing is that is something your actions or eggs you throw something on eggs
people you so happy what's up you're so cute mmm yeah we just pick up all the new stuff that we have to take photos of tomorrow bringing
them up to our house because we forgot the steamer at our house he's waiting Gideon oh my goodness she learned a new trick mara how old are you today hey I'm 91 toad say yeah
so that is going to be it for the vlog today i hope you guys enjoyed it i was gonna be really fun day we're shooting a lot of stuff tomorrow think the
You can buy the christmas lights here at engineable
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